In This Article
Whenever you need an authenticated user, you can place the
zend-expressive-authentication AuthenticationMiddleware
in your pipeline.
If you need all routes to use authentication, add it globally.
// In config/pipeline.php, within the callback:
For an entire sub-path
If you need all routes that begin with a particular sub-path to require authentication, use path-segregation:
// In config/pipeline.php.
// In the import statements:
use Zend\Expressive\Authentication\AuthenticationMiddleware;
// In the callback:
$app->pipe('/api', $factory->path(
For a specific route
If you want to restrict access for a specific route, create a route-specific middleware pipeline:
// In config/routes.php, in the callback:
HandlerRequiringAuthentication::class, // use your own handler here
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