Using Plates
Plates is a native PHP template system maintained by The League of Extraordinary Packages. it provides:
- Layout facilities.
- Template inheritance.
- Helpers for escaping, and the ability to provide custom helper extensions.
We provide a TemplateRendererInterface wrapper for Plates via
Installing Plates
To use the Plates wrapper, you must install the Plates integration:
$ composer require zendframework/zend-expressive-platesrenderer
Using the wrapper
If instantiated without arguments, Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer
will create
an instance of the Plates engine, which it will then proxy to.
use Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer;
$renderer = new PlatesRenderer();
Alternately, you can instantiate and configure the engine yourself, and pass it
to the Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer
use League\Plates\Engine as PlatesEngine;
use Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer;
// Create the engine instance:
$plates = new PlatesEngine();
// Configure it:
$plates->addFolder('error', 'templates/error/');
$plates->loadExtension(new CustomExtension());
// Inject:
$renderer = new PlatesRenderer($plates);
Configuration and Factory
zend-expressive-platesrenderer ships with the factory
, which will both create the
Plates engine instance, and the PlatesRenderer
instance. If you are using
this will be automatically wired for you during installation.
The factory looks for the following configuration in the config
service, using
any it finds:
// In config/autoload/templates.global.php:
return [
'plates' => [
'extensions' => [
// string service names or class names of Plates extensions
'templates' => [
'extension' => 'phtml', // change this if you use a different file
// extension for templates
'paths' => [
// namespace => [paths] pairs
The factory will also inject two extensions by default,
, both listed in more detail
Shipped Extensions
zend-expressive-plates provides the following extensions.
composes each of the
UrlHelper and ServerUrlHelper,
and provides the following template methods:
public function url(
string $routeName = null,
array $routeParams = [],
array $queryParams = [],
?string $fragmentIdentifier = null,
array $options = []
) : string;
public function serverurl(string $path = null) : string;
// Since zend-expressive-platesrender 2.1.0:
public function route() : ?Zend\Expressive\Router\RouteResult
As an example:
<a href="<?= $this->url('blog', ['stub' => $this->stub]) ?>">A blog post on this</a>
$routing = $this->route();
$routingIsValid = $routing && $routing->isSuccess();
$route = $routingIsValid ? $routing->getMatchedRouteName() : 'blog';
$routeParams = $routingIsValid ? $routing->getMatchedParams() : [];
<a href="<?= $this->url($route, $routeParams) ?>">For more information</a>
proxies to functionality
provided in the zend-escaper
package. It looks for the following configuration in the config
// In config/autoload/templates.global.php:
return [
'plates' => [
'encoding' => ?string, // character encoding of generated content
By default it assumes UTF-8 for the encoding.
The extension registers the following template methods:
public function escapeHtml(string $html) : string;
public function escapeHtmlAttr(string $attribute) : string;
public function escapeJs(string $js) : string;
public function escapeCss(string $css) : string;
public function escapeUrl(string $url) : string;
As examples:
<meta name="author" content="<?= $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->author) ?>">
<link rel="alternative" href="<?= $this->escapeUrl($this->alternative) ?>">
<style><?= $this->escapeCss($this->styles) ?></style>
<script><?= $this->escapeJs($this->script) ?></script>
<?= $this->escapeHtml($this->content) ?>
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