
Expression Assertions

Available since version 2.7.0

Many custom assertions are doing basic comparisons:

  • Equality of a role property to a value or property of the resource.
  • Other comparisons (>, <, in_array, etc.) of a role property to a value or values (potentially a property of the resource).
  • Regular expressions.

While these can be easily accommodated by the CallbackAssertion, such assertions have one notable problem: they cannot be easily serialized.

To facilitate such assertions, we now provide Zend\Permissions\Acl\Assertion\ExpressionAssertion. This class provides two static factory methods for creating an instance, each expecting the following:

  • The left operand
  • An operator
  • The right operand

When the assertion is executed, it uses the operator to determine how to compare the two operands, and thus answer the assertion.


The operands can be any PHP value.

Additionally, they can be an associative array containing the key ExpressionAssertion::OPERAND_CONTEXT_PROPERTY (__context), with a string value.

That value can be one of the following:

  • A string matching the values "acl", "privilege", "role", or "resource", with the latter two being most common. When one of these is provided, the corresponding argument to the assert() method will be used.

  • A dot-separated string with the first segment being one of the above values, and the second being a property or field of that object. The ExpressionAssertion will test for:

  • a method matching get<field>()

  • a method matching is<field>()
  • a public property named <field>

in that specific order. In the first two cases, <field> will be normalized to WordCase when creating the method name to test.


ExpressionAssertion supports the following operators:

const OPERATOR_EQ     = '=';
const OPERATOR_NEQ    = '!=';
const OPERATOR_LT     = '<';
const OPERATOR_LTE    = '<=';
const OPERATOR_GT     = '>';
const OPERATOR_GTE    = '>=';
const OPERATOR_IN     = 'in';
const OPERATOR_NIN    = '!in';
const OPERATOR_REGEX  = 'regex';
const OPERATOR_NREGEX = '!regex';
const OPERATOR_SAME   = '===';
const OPERATOR_NSAME  = '!==';

In most cases, these will operate using the operators as listed above, with the following exceptions:

  • OPERATOR_EQ will use == as the comparison operator; OPERATOR_NEQ will likewise use !=.
  • OPERATOR_IN and OPERATOR_NIN use in_array() (with the latter negating the result), both doing strict comparisons. The right hand operand is expected to be the array in which to look for results, and the left hand operand is expected to be the needle to look for.
  • OPERATOR_REGEX and OPERATOR_NREGEX will perform a preg_match() operation, using the right hand operand as the regular expression, and the left hand operand as the value to compare.


The constructor of ExpressionAssertion is private. Instead, you will use one of two static methods in order to create instances:

  • fromProperties($left, $operator, $right)
  • fromArray(array $expression) (expects keys for "left", "operator", and "right")

When creating expressions manually, the first is generally the best choice. When storing expressions in configuration or a database, the latter is useful, as you can pass a row of data at a time to the method to get expression instances.


First, we'll define both a role and a resource:

namespace Blog\Entity;

use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Resource\ResourceInterface;
use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface;

class BlogPost implements ResourceInterface
    public $title;

    public $shortDescription;

    public $content;

    public $author;

    public function __construct(array $data = [])
        foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
            $this->$property = $value;

    public function getResourceId()
        return 'blogPost';

    public function getShortDescription()
        return $this->shortDescription;

    public function getAuthorName()
        return $this->author ? $this->author->username : '';

class User implements RoleInterface
    public $username;

    public $role = 'guest';

    public $age;

    public function __construct(array $data = [])
        foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
            $this->$property = $value;

    public function getRoleId()
        return $this->role;

    public function isAdult()
        return $this->age >= 18;

Next, let's define some assertions.

use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Assertion\ExpressionAssertion;

// Username of role must be "test":
// Will access $username property on the role instance.
$isTestUser = ExpressionAssertion::fromProperties(
  [ExpressionAssertion::OPERAND_CONTEXT_PROPERTY => 'role.username'],

// Role must be at least 18 years old:
// Will execute `isAdult()` on the role instance.
$isOfLegalAge = ExpressionAssertion::fromProperties(
  [ExpressionAssertion::OPERAND_CONTEXT_PROPERTY => ''],

// Must have edited text:
// Will do a regex comparison on the shortDescription of the blog post
// to ensure we do not have filler text.
$isEditedDescription = ExpressionAssertion::fromArray([
  'left'     => [ExpressionAssertion::OPERAND_CONTEXT_PROPERTY => 'resource.shortDescription'],
  'operator' => '!regex',
  'right'    => '/lorem ipsum/i',

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