In This Article

Introduction and Quick Start

zend-tag provides the ability to work with taggable items. At its foundation, it provides two classes to work with tags, Zend\Tag\Item and Zend\Tag\ItemList. Additionally, it comes with the interface Zend\Tag\TaggableInterface, which allows you to use any of your models as a taggable item in conjunction with the component.

Zend\Tag\Item provides the essential functionality required to work with all other functionality within the component. A taggable item always consists of a title and a relative weight (e.g. number of occurrences). It also stores parameters which are used by the different sub-components.

Zend\Tag\ItemList exists to group multiple items together as an array iterator, and provides additional functionality to calculate absolute weight values based on the given relative weights of each item in it.

Quick Start

This example illustrates how to create a list of tags and spread absolute weight values over them.

// Create the item list
$list = new Zend\Tag\ItemList();

// Assign tags to it
$list[] = new Zend\Tag\Item(['title' => 'Code', 'weight' => 50]);
$list[] = new Zend\Tag\Item(['title' => 'Zend Framework', 'weight' => 1]);
$list[] = new Zend\Tag\Item(['title' => 'PHP', 'weight' => 5]);

// Spread absolute values on the items
$list->spreadWeightValues([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);

// Output the items with their absolute values
foreach ($list as $item) {
    printf("%s: %d\n", $item->getTitle(), $item->getParam('weightValue'));

This will output the three items "Code", "Zend Framework", and "PHP", with the
absolute values 10, 1 and 2:

Code: 10 Zend Framework: 1 PHP: 2 ```

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