Basic Usage

Performing diagnostics with Zend Framework 2

  1. Install the ZFTool module.
  2. Enable diagnostic tests in your application config.php.
  3. In your console type php public/index.php diag to run diagnostics.

Note: this does not work with Zend Framework 3; use the plain PHP diagnostics instructions below when using that framework version.

Using diagnostics with Symfony 2

  1. Install the LiipMonitorBundle.
  2. Enable diagnostic tests in your application configuration.
  3. In your console type ./app/console monitor:health to run diagnostics.

Using diagnostics with PSR-7 middleware

Install the rstgroup/diagnostics-middleware.

Using diagnostics in plain PHP

  1. Create an instance of ZendDiagnostics\Runner.
  2. Add tests using Runner::addTest().
  3. Optionally add a reporter to display progress using Runner::addReporter().
  4. Run diagnostics Runner::run().

For example:

// run_diagnostics.php

use ZendDiagnostics\Check;
use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Runner;
use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Reporter\BasicConsole;

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create Runner instance
$runner = new Runner();

// Add checks
$runner->addCheck(new Check\DirWritable('/tmp'));
$runner->addCheck(new Check\DiskFree(100000000, '/tmp'));

// Add console reporter
$runner->addReporter(new BasicConsole(80, true));

// Run all checks
$results = $runner->run();

// Emit an appropriate exit code
$status = ($results->getFailureCount() + $results->getWarningCount()) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

You can now run the file in your console (command line):

$ php run_diagnostics.php
Starting diagnostics:


OK (2 diagnostic tests)

Using a result collection

The diagnostics runner will always return a ZendDiagnostics\Result\Collection, even when no reporter is attached. This collection contains results for all tests and failure counters.

As an example:

use ZendDiagnostics\Check;
use ZendDiagnostics\Result;
use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Runner;

$runner = new Runner();
$checkSpace = new Check\DiskFree(100000000, '/tmp');
$checkTemp  = new Check\DirWritable('/tmp');

// Run all checks
$results = $runner->run();

echo "Number of successful tests: " . $results->getSuccessCount() . "\n";
echo "Number of failed tests:     " . $results->getFailureCount() . "\n";

if ($results[$checkSpace] instanceof Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "Oooops! We're running out of space on temp.\n";

if ($results[$checkTemp] instanceof Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "It seems that /tmp is not writable - this is a serious problem!\n";

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