

Zend\Soap\Server provides a wrapper around PHP's SoapServer implementation with convenience functionality for generating WSDL and registering internal handlers.

It may be used in WSDL or non-WSDL mode, and can map functionality to either PHP classes or functions in order to define your web service API.

When in WSDL mode, it uses a prepared WSDL document to define server object behavior and transport layer options.

WSDL documents may be auto-generated with functionality provided by the Zend\Soap\AutoDiscover component, or constructed manually using the Zend\Soap\Wsdl class or any other XML generation tool.

If the non-WSDL mode is used, then all protocol options must be provided via the options mechanism.

Zend\Soap\Server instantiation

Instantiation of Server instances varies based on whether or not you are using WSDL mode.

Options available in either mode

  • parse_huge (since 2.7.0): when set to a boolean true, ensures the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE flag is passed to DOMDocument::loadXML() when handling an incoming request. This can resolve issues with receiving large payloads.

Instantiation for WSDL mode

When in WSDL mode, the constructor expects two optional parameters:

  • $wsdl: the URI of a WSDL file. This may be set after-the-fact using $server->setWsdl($wsdl).
  • $options: options to use when creating the instance. These may be set later using $server->setOptions($options).

The following options are recognized in the WSDL mode:

  • soap_version (soapVersion) - soap version to use (SOAP_1_1 or SOAP_1_2).
  • actor - the actor URI for the server.
  • classmap (classMap) which can be used to map some WSDL types to PHP classes. The option must be an array with WSDL types as keys, and names of PHP classes as values.
  • encoding - internal character encoding (UTF-8 is always used as an external encoding).
  • wsdl - equivalent to calling setWsdl($wsdlValue).

Instantiation for non-WSDL mode

The first constructor parameter must be set to NULL if you plan to use Zend\Soap\Server functionality in non-WSDL mode.

You also have to set the uri option in this case (see below).

The second constructor parameter, $options, is an array of options for configuring the behavior of the server; these may also be provided later using $server->setOptions($options). Options recognized in non-WSDL mode include:

  • soap_version (soapVersion) - soap version to use (SOAP_1_1 or SOAP_1_2).
  • actor - the actor URI for the server.
  • classmap (classMap) - an associative array used to map WSDL types to PHP classes. The option must be an associative array using WSDL types as the keys, and PHP class names as values.
  • encoding - internal character encoding (UTF-8 is always used as an external encoding).
  • uri (required) - URI namespace for SOAP server.

Defining your SOAP API

There are two ways to define your SOAP API in order to expose PHP functionality.

The first one is to attach a class to the Zend\Soap\Server object that completely describes your API:

class MyClass
     * This method takes ...
     * @param integer $inputParam
     * @return string
    public function method1($inputParam)
        // ...

     * This method takes ...
     * @param integer $inputParam1
     * @param string  $inputParam2
     * @return float
    public function method2($inputParam1, $inputParam2)
        // ...

    /* ... */

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(null, $options);

// Bind class to Soap Server:

// Or bind an instance:
$server->setObject(new MyClass());

// Handle a request:

Docblocks are required

You should completely describe each method using a method docblock if you plan to use autodiscover functionality to prepare your WSDL.

The second method for defining your API is to use one or more functions, passing them to one or more of the addFunction() or loadFunctions() methods:

 * This function ...
 * @param integer $inputParam
 * @return string
function function1($inputParam)
    // ...

 * This function ...
 * @param integer $inputParam1
 * @param string  $inputParam2
 * @return float
function function2($inputParam1, $inputParam2)
    // ...

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(null, $options);


Request and response handling

Zend\Soap\Server component performs request/response processing automatically, but allows you to intercept each in order to perform pre- or post-processing.

Request pre- and post-processing

The Zend\Soap\Server::handle() method handles a request from the standard input stream ('php://input'). It may be overridden either by supplying a request instance to the handle() method, or by setting the request via the setRequest() method:

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(/* ... */);

// Set request using optional $request parameter to the handle() method:

// Set request using setRequest() method:

A request object may be represented using any of the following, and handled as follows:

  • DOMDocument (casts to XML)
  • DOMNode (owner document is retrieved and cast to XML)
  • SimpleXMLElement (casts to XML)
  • stdClass (__toString() is called and verified to be valid XML)
  • string (verified to be valid XML)

The last request processed may be retrieved using the getLastRequest() method, which returns the XML string:

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(/* ... */);

$request = $server->getLastRequest();

Response post-processing

The Zend\Soap\Server::handle() method automatically emits the generated response to the output stream. It may be blocked using setReturnResponse() with true or false as a parameter. When set to true, handle() will return the generated response instead of emitting it.

The returned response will be either an XML string representing the response, or a SoapFault exception instance.

Do not return SoapFaults

SoapFault instances, when cast to a string, will contain the full exception stack trace. For security purposes, you do not want to return that information. As such, check your return type before emitting the response manually.

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(/* ... */);

// Get a response as a return value of handle(),
// instead of emitting it to standard output:

$response = $server->handle();

if ($response instanceof SoapFault) {
    /* ... */
} else {
    /* ... */

The last response emitted may also be retrieved for post-processing using getLastResponse():

$server = new Zend\Soap\Server(/* ... */);


$response = $server->getLastResponse();

if ($response instanceof SoapFault) {
    /* ... */
} else {
    /* ... */

Document/Literal WSDL Handling

The document/literal binding-style/encoding pattern is used to make SOAP messages as human-readable as possible and allow abstraction between very incompatible languages. The .NET framework uses this pattern for SOAP service generation by default. The central concept of this approach to SOAP is the introduction of a Request and an Response object for every function/method of the SOAP service. The parameters of the function are properties on the request object, and the response object contains a single parameter that is built in the style <methodName>Result

zend-soap supports this pattern in both the AutoDiscover and Server components. You can write your service object without knowledge of the pattern. Use docblock comments to hint the parameter and return types as usual. The Zend\Soap\Server\DocumentLiteralWrapper wraps around your service object and converts request and response into normal method calls on your service.

See the class doc block of the DocumentLiteralWrapper for a detailed example and discussion.

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