In This Article


Zend\Text\Figlet is a component which enables developers to create a so called FIGlet text. FIGlet text is a string represented as ASCII art.

FIGlets use a special font format, called FLT (FigLet Font). By default, one standard font is shipped with Zend\Text\Figlet, but you can download additional fonts at

Compressed Fonts

Zend\Text\Figlet supports gzipped fonts. This means that you can take an .flf file and gzip it. To allow Zend\Text\Figlet to recognize this, the gzipped font must have the extension .gz. Further, to be able to use gzipped fonts, you have to have enabled the PHP GZIP extension.


Zend\Text\Figlet expects your strings to be UTF-8 encoded by default. If this is not the case, you can supply the character encoding to the second parameter to the render() method.

You can define multiple options for a FIGlet. When instantiating Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet, you can supply an array, a Traversable that supplies both keys and values, or an instance of Zend\Config\Config.

  • font: Defines the font which should be used for rendering. If not defines, the built-in font will be used.
  • outputWidth: Defines the maximum width of the output string. This is used for word-wrap as well as justification. Be careful when using small values; they may result in an undefined behaviour. The default value is 80.
  • handleParagraphs: A boolean which indicates how new lines are handled. When set to TRUE, single new lines are ignored and instead treated as single spaces; only multiple new lines will be handled as such. The default value is FALSE.
  • justification: May be one of the Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet::JUSTIFICATION_* constants, which include JUSTIFICATION_LEFT, JUSTIFICATION_CENTER, and JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT The default justification is defined by the rightToLeft value.
  • rightToLeft: Defines the direction in which text is written. May be either Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet::DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT or Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet::DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT. By default, the setting of the font file is used. When justification is not defined, a text written from right-to-left is automatically right-aligned.
  • smushMode: An integer bitfield which defines how single characters are smushed together; can be the sum of multiple values from Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet::SM_*. The component defines the following smush modes: SM_EQUAL, SM_LOWLINE, SM_HIERARCHY, SM_PAIR, SM_BIGX, SM_HARDBLANK, SM_KERN, and SM_SMUSH. A value of 0 doesn't disable the entire smushing, but forces SM_KERN to be applied, while a value of -1 disables it. An explanation of the different smush modes can be found here. By default the setting of the font file is used. The smush mode option is normally used only by font designers testing the various layoutmodes with a new font.

Basic Usage

$figlet = new Zend\Text\Figlet\Figlet();
echo $figlet->render('Zend');

Assuming you are using a monospace font, the above results in the following:

  ______    ______    _  __   ______
 |__  //   |  ___||  | \| || |  __ \\
   / //    | ||__    |  ' || | |  \ ||
  / //__   | ||___   | .  || | |__/ ||
 /_____||  |_____||  |_|\_|| |_____//
 `-----`'  `-----`   `-` -`'  -----`

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