
In This Article


zend-mvc-console integrates zend-router with zend-console, routing command line arguments to the appropriate action controller and action method that will handle the request. Actions can perform any number of tasks prior to returning a result to display in the console window.

When using zend-mvc-console, console routes are provided via configuration.

// The following can sit inside of module/Application/config/module.config.php,
// any other module's configuration, or within files under config/autoload/:
return [
    'router' => [
        'routes' => [
            // HTTP routes are here

    'console' => [
        'router' => [
            'routes' => [
                // Console routes go here

Console routes exposed via zend-mvc-console will only be processed when the application is run inside a console (terminal) window; they are not used for web (HTTP) requests. It is possible to define only HTTP routes (web application only), only console routes (console-only application), or a mixture of the two.

As an example of a single route:

// inside config.console.router.routes:
'my-first-route' => [
    'type'    => 'simple',  // This is the default, and may be omitted; more on
                            // types below
    'options' => [
        'route'    => 'foo bar',
        'defaults' => [
            'controller' => Application\Controller\Index::class,
            'action'     => 'password',

We have created a simple console route with the name my-first-route. It expects two parameters: foo and bar. If user puts these in a console, Application\Controller\IndexController::passwordAction() action will be invoked.

Route Types

In the last example of the previous section, we noted that configuration for a given route can accept a type argument. This refers to the route type (which maps to a class) to use when creating the route instance. zend-mvc-console defines several types.

Simple Route

Zend\Mvc\Console\Router\Simple is a factory for zend-console's DefaultRouteMatcher, and decorates it to work with the zend-mvc routing system. See the section on the default route matcher for details on route strings and available configuration to provide.

Catchall Route

This special route will catch all console requests, regardless of the parameters provided.

'default-route' => [
    'type'     => 'catchall',
    'options'  => [
        'route'    => '',
        'defaults' => [
            'controller' => 'Application\Controller\Index',
            'action'     => 'consoledefault',

This route type is rarely used; one possible use case is to register it as the last console route, in order to display usage information. Before you do so, read about the preferred way of displaying console usage information; following recommendations will guarantee proper interoperation with other modules in your application.

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