
Migrating from version 2 to version 3

In this document, we outline the backwards breaking changes with version 3.0, and provide guidance on how to upgrade your application to be compatible.

PHP support

We now support only PHP versions 7.1 and above. PHP 5.6 and 7.0 support has been dropped.


Stratigility now supports only PSR-15 interfaces. Support of http-interop/http-middleware has been dropped.

All middleware and request handlers must now implement PSR-15 interfaces, including those Stratigility implements.

As a result, a number of signatures have been changed. Primarily, these were a matter of updating typehints on Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface (defined in http-interop/http-middleware 0.4 and up, an early draft of PSR-15) and Interop\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface (defined in http-interop/http-server-handler, the immediate predecessor to the final spec) to Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface, and adding the return type hint Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

Signatures affected include:

  • Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe::process()
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler::process()
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\NotFoundHandler::process()
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\OriginalMessages::process()
  • Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe::process()

All of these classes now implement the PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface.

Pipeline - MiddlewarePipe

We now only allow piping Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface instances into the MiddlewarePipe class.

In version 2, we had a number of internal utilities for identifying other types of middleware (callable, double-pass, etc.), and would decorate those within the pipe() method. This is no longer allowed.

If you wish to use those types, you will need to decorate them using the appropriate decorators as outlined in the Class additions section.

Additionally, MiddlewarePipe is now marked final, and may not be directly extended. Decorate an instance if you wish to provide alternate behavior, or create your own MiddlewareInterface implementation to provide alternate internal logic.

Changes in public interfaces

Signature changes

  • Next::__construct(): the second parameter now typehints against the PSR-15 RequestHandlerInterface.

  • Next::handle(): the method now provides a return typehint of Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

  • MiddlewarePipe class is marked now as final and implements the new interface MiddlewarePipeInterface.

  • MiddlewarePipe::pipe(): reduces the number of arguments to one, which now typehints against Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface. This means the method can no longer be used to segregate middleware by path. If you want to do that, please use Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\PathMiddlewareDecorator to decorate your middleware and to provide the path prefix it will run under. See the next section for details.

  • MiddlewarePipe::process(): the second parameter now typehints against Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface, and provides a return typehint of Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

  • ErrorHandler::__construct() and NotFoundHandler::__construct(): the first parameter of each constructor now expects a PHP callable capable of returning a PSR-7 ResponseInterface instance (instead of typehinting directly against ResponseInterface). This paves the way for usage with the upcoming PSR-17 (HTTP Message Factories) specification, and simplifies re-use of a dependency injection container service (as otherwise you would need to specify a discrete service per class that expects a response prototype, due to mutability of the response body).

Class additions

  • Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipeInterface extends Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface and Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface, and defines the method pipe(Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface $middleware) : void. It is implemented by MiddlewarePipe.

  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\HostMiddlewareDecorator allows you to segregate middleware by a static host name. This allows executing middleware only if a particular host matches.

  // Segregate to hosts matching '':
  $pipeline->pipe(new HostMiddlewareDecorator('', $middleware));

Alternately, use the host() utility function to generate the instance; see below.

  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\PathMiddlewareDecorator allows you to segregate middleware by a static URI path prefix. This allows executing middleware only if a particular path matches, or segregating a sub-application by path.
  // Segregate to paths matching '/foo' as the prefix:
  $pipeline->pipe(new PathMiddlewareDecorator('/foo', $middleware));

Alternately, use the path() utility function to generate the instance; see below.

  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareDecorator provides the functionality that was formerly provided by Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableInteropMiddlewareWrapper: it provides the ability to decorate PHP callables that have the same or compatible signatures to the PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface. This allows for one-off piping of middleware:
  $pipeline->pipe(new CallableMiddlewareDecorator(function ($req, $handler) {
      // do some work
      $response = $next($req, $handler);
      // do some work
      return $response;

The arguments and return value can be type-hinted, but do not need to be. The decorator provides some checking on the return value in order to raise an exception if a response is not returned.

Alternately, use the middleware() utility function to generate the instance; see below.

  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\DoublePassMiddlewareDecorator provides the functionality that was formerly provided by Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareWrapper. The class now makes the response prototype argument to the constructor optional, and falls back to a zend-diactoros response instance if that library is installed. Internally, it decorates the $handler as a callable.
  $pipeline->pipe(new DoublePassMiddlewareDecorator(function ($req, $res, $next) {
      // do some work
      $response = $next($req, $res);
      // do some work
      return $response;

Per recommendations in previous versions, if you are using double-pass middleware, do not operate on the response passed to the middleware; instead, only operate on the response returned by $next, or produce a concrete response yourself.

Alternately, use the doublePassMiddleware() utility function to create the instance; see below.

  • Zend\Stratigility\Exception\ExceptionInterface - marker for package-specific exceptions.

Removed classes and exceptions

The following classes have been removed:

  • Zend\Stratigility\Delegate\CallableDelegateDecorator
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableInteropMiddlewareWrapper
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareWrapper
  • Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareWrapperFactory
  • Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewareInterface (Please use the PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface instead.)
  • Zend\Stratigility\NoopFinalHandler
  • Zend\Stratigility\Route. This was an internal class used by MiddlewarePipe and Next, and its removal should not affect consumers.

The following exceptions have been removed:

  • Zend\Stratigility\Exception\InvalidMiddlewareException (this is no longer thrown by MiddlewarePipe, and thus no longer necessary).
  • Zend\Stratigility\Exception\InvalidRequestTypeException

Removed methods

  • MiddlewarePipe::__invoke(): the class is no longer invokable. Use the method process instead.

  • MiddlewarePipe::setCallableMiddlewareDecorator(): since we now accept only PSR-15 middleware implementations within MiddlewarePipe, this method is no longer needed. Other middleware types should be decorated in a MiddlewareInterface implementation prior to piping.

  • MiddlewarePipe::setResponsePrototype(): this method is no longer needed, due to removing support for non-MiddlewareInterface types.

  • MiddlewarePipe::hasResponsePrototype(): this method is no longer needed, due to removing support for non-MiddlewareInterface types.

  • MiddlewarePipe::raiseThrowables(): this method has been deprecated since 2.0.0, and slated for removal with this version.

  • Middleware\ErrorHandler::__invoke(): this class is no longer invokable. Use the process method instead.

  • Middleware\NotFoundHandler::__invoke(): this class is no longer invokable. Use the process method instead.

  • Next::__invoke(): this class is no longer invokable. Use the method handle instead.

  • Next::next(): this method was a proxy to the handle() method, and no longer of use, particularly as the class is an internal detail.

  • Next::process(): this method was a proxy to the handle() method, and no longer of use, particularly as the class is an internal detail.

  • Next::raiseThrowables(): this method has been deprecated since 2.0.0, and slated for removal with this version.

Function additions

Release 3.0 adds the following utility functions:


function Zend\Stratigility\host(
  string $host,
  Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface $middleware
) : Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\HostMiddlewareDecorator

This is a convenience wrapper around instantiation of a Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\HostMiddlewareDecorator instance:

$pipeline->pipe(host('', $middleware));


function Zend\Stratigility\path(
  string $pathPrefix,
  Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface $middleware
) : Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\PathMiddlewareDecorator

This is a convenience wrapper around instantiation of a Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\PathMiddlewareDecorator instance:

$pipeline->pipe(path('/foo', $middleware));


function Zend\Stratigility\middleware(
    callable $middleware
) : Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareDecorator

middleware() provides a convenient way to decorate callable middleware that implements the PSR-15 middleware signature when piping it to your application.

$pipeline->pipe(middleware(function ($request, $handler) {
  // ...


function Zend\Stratigility\doublePassMiddleware(
    callable $middleware,
    Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $responsePrototype = null
) : Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\DoublePassMiddlewareDecorator

doublePassMiddleware() provides a convenient way to decorate middleware that implements the double pass middleware signature when piping it to your application.

$pipeline->pipe(doublePassMiddleware(function ($request, $response, $next) {
  // ...

If you are not using zend-diactoros as a PSR-7 implementation, you will need to pass a response prototype as well:

$pipeline->pipe(doublePassMiddleware(function ($request, $response, $next) {
  // ...
}, $response);

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